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admin.websecurityspecialist | What are Handshake Domains 2021? Decentalized DNS, blockchain top level domains. Alternative-DNS, Self-Sovereign identity, NFTs, The New Internet Real Estates, Handshake 🤝…

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Our domains are available on NameBase!

This domain and those on the list below are Blockchain Top Level Domains. These domains are 1timefeedomains so you only need to make a Handshake once. Buy HNS coin here Send HandshakeHereNow. Expand with Us!

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Now, a round of applause to Namebase.io, Handshake and Sia. Please know as a new user you will need to use this link for resolving Handshake domains; Namebase, this guide helped me are you connected to HNS. Build secure websites for your Handshake domains. Another option is try using HNS.to to resolve Handshake domains or HDNS.io/

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Know Within!!!

HNS.to is a highly insecure way of browsing Handshake domains and should only be used for demo or educational purposes. Click to see preferable resolutions methods